
Where I've Been & A Look Back

WHEW! So how can it be February 2015 already?!  I had intentions of being back to this place sooner, but due to a variety of circumstances, we have been without internet in our home for the last few weeks.  Needless to say that left me in more of a "read only" mode using the limited data available on my phone.

With internet at home back up and running, I couldn't be more delighted as that allows me the opportunity to once again come to this place to be with you!

I stumbled on a list of posts visitor's to my blog have most often read in the last month or so. I thought you might enjoy a look back as well while I regroup with posts to come for the future.

Most visited posts recently:

5th- Precious Promise #8: Isaiah 49:15b-16a


3rd- How to Help Others Memorize (without them even knowing it)

2nd- I'm Not Who I Was

And the most visited since it originally posted and still remains at the top of the list is:

Drumroll please..........

1st- Bible in 90 Days: My Personal 10 Tips


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back. You were missed.

    Beer-lahai-roi is probably one of my top 5 favourite blog posts I have ever read! I have referred to it often. Thank you for reminder.



Thank you for taking a moment to stop and chat. I enjoy the presence of you!