
What My Quiet Time Looks Like

I have had a couple of people ask me what my personal quiet time looks like.  Although I am going to share that, I want to first say this...

One Style Does Not Fit All
I believe that God made us each unique individuals with distinct personalities.  I believe that He meets with us and communicates with us each individually based on how He created us.  What I put into practice in my time with Him may look very different from what you find works best for you.

However, I know that sometimes it's hard to envision anything other than what you are currently doing, or even where to begin if you are starting.

I will also share that I don't believe there is a formula, task list, or specific way to meet with God.

I believe that what it looks like doesn't matter so much... just that you are meeting with Him.  That's all He wants is time with us personally.

And it may vary.
And change.
And develop.
And increase.

And I can only imagine all of that pleases Him as it happens... in His presence and with Him.

So,  here's what I am doing... right now.

After getting my cup of coffee, I settle in and begin.

I have 2 devotionals that I start with.  I am not a natural morning person.  I have found that reading these help me to wake, get focused, and begin preparing my heart.

For the last 2 years I have started with these devotionals:
Streams in the Desert by Jim Reimann and Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

2014 has found me changing that up and I am now reading these to start my quiet time:
Praying God's Word Day by Day by Beth Moore
Believing God Day by Day by Beth Moore

All of these devotionals are designed to be read through the year.  I read the selection for that day.

I then read the Bible.  I am currently reading through the Bible in a chronological format.  And often times I also read verses that were included in the devotionals, that I heard in passing, etc.  And there are some favorites that I just return to because they bring such encouragement and bolstering of spirit to my heart.

Sometimes I might journal a verse that stood out to me or a thought or challenge that came to mind.  I don't always write something everyday, but I do have it handy and ready.

Just talking open and honest with and listening to my "Abba, Father".  Part of this time includes Scripture as my very prayers.

Right now I am also working through the study "Lead Like Jesus" with others from my church.  There are 5 lessons a week so this isn't completed every day... but on days that there is extra time I put this in.

I am usually working on memorizing a portion of Scripture.  I review it in it's entirety as I head into my day, repeating it throughout the day to get it deep, not only into my head but also (and perhaps more importantly) into my heart.

So, that's a small glimpse into what you can find me in the midst of in the early mornings around here.

Would you be willing to share what your time looks like?

I always treasure when we can learn from, encourage, and spur one another on!

And if you're not currently having a quiet time, there is no time like the present to begin!  Remember, it's not "the formula" that matters.  It's just that you are meeting with and developing a personal relationship with Him through His Word that counts!...   

Where and how will you begin?...


  1. Jackie8:39 AM

    Hi Donnetta! Your posts always encourage me in some way. I especially like what you said today about the most important thing is to spend time with the Lord...not the formula on how to do it. I have been reading the Psalms lately and also just sing a hymn or praise song as my heart leads. Spending time just being quiet before Him. I am also doing a Bible study (The Amazing Collection) and so that leads me in studying specific Scriptures. Thanks for all of your honest and sincere posts.

  2. Lostmichelle9:32 AM

    I love your coffee. Does it always look like that? :) Thank you for sharing this. I love my quiet time in the morning. Mine pretty much looks like yours, except I don't journal. I have started keeping a 1000 Gifts list. I am hoping to fill out in the morning those things from the previous day that made me see God's gifts and those things I am thankful for. I am currently doing a few studies - Beth Moore - A Heart Like His and the Fitting Room by Kelly Minter.

  3. MyQuietCorner3:19 PM

    Thank you for these encouraging words! Thank you for also sharing about what your personal time is looking like right now. I often find myself drifting to the Psalms as well!

  4. MyQuietCorner3:22 PM

    Yes, my coffee does often look like this in the morning. This cup/picture has caramel drizzled on top. More often than not it's sprinkled cinnamon. But almost always whipped cream! *sheepish grin* Yes, the 1000 gifts! Love that you're working on that. Although I've done both Beth Moore and Kelly Minter studies, I have not done either of these. From what I know of both of these ladies, I'm sure these studies are challenging and encouraging all at the same time!

  5. Susanne3:52 PM

    I am so not a morning person but have determined to start each day in the Word. Thanks for the encouragement.

  6. MyQuietCorner2:04 PM

    I am not a morning person either so I totally get it. I am so excited for you with this determination! Let me know if there are other ways that I can be encouraging you in this!...


Thank you for taking a moment to stop and chat. I enjoy the presence of you!