
Rest for the Weary

Oh how I wish just you and I could sit across the table from one another.  Coffee in hand.  No clocks in sight reminding of time, and lists, and deadlines, and to do lists.  No agenda's.  No interruptions.  Nothing but just the opportunity of un-hindered sharing.  And encouraging.  And just being...

The weeks have quickly passed and I now glance at the last date here and realize... they have passed even faster than I thought.

 Work requirements found me traveling some part of 4 weeks out of a 5 week span.  And that is just a small sample of the days in my weeks ...

Life here is also finding major change happening or soon to happen in every area of my life.


Each of these changes could be considered a major stressor in one's life.  I do not argue that.  I sense the stress striving to come into my moments and take over.  It seems to come in waves, but attempt it does.

The following also keeps finding its way into the moments of my days.. and I am sustained.  I am calmed.  I am finding rest. 
 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. ~Matt. 11:28-29

 Ink scribbled around the edges of this page in my Bible contain the following additional words:

 Burden = a load carried or toil borne to the point of exhaustion.  "Rest is simply release from that burden.  It is not something we do, it is what comes to us when we cease to do." ~A.W.Tozer

 And in another corner...

"Jesus invites us to intimacy.  He invites us to know Him, to see Him so clearly that when we look upon Him, we see the face of God as well."  ~Joanna Weaver

I am reminded that my response in the middle of it all really is my choice.

And so, I have set my heart to intentionally continue to seek Him.  To look for Him.  To let Him teach me.

Real rest is found in doing so...  Not just rest for my weary body.  But even greater.  

Rest for my soul.  

Wearied as it may be, as I come to Him and look for Him, He promises His peace.  Rest.

* when first rising in the morning
* or in a hotel room
* or on a plane
* or driving across miles
* or through a song
* or a devotional
* or a word from another
* or....
* or....
* or....

His Word is ever present.  He is ever present.  Providing Himself.  His peace.  His rest. 

If I just choose to look... and see... and come...

No doubt your schedule has been full and speeding by as well.   

What is sustaining you?...


1 comment:

  1. nikkipolani11:05 PM

    Ugh. All that travel. No wonder you are reveling in every opportunity to rest deep in your soul.


Thank you for taking a moment to stop and chat. I enjoy the presence of you!