As we are reading through Andy Stanley's book "The Grace of God", there are some thoughts from chapters 5-8 that have kept circling in my brain, even as I tend to my children. I wanted to share the three that I have found most challenging to my own heart.
"We are all tempted to ask the same question Adam and Eve asked: 'Is God trying to keep something good from me?' That question changes the subject from obedience to trust."Once again I find my thoughts turning to the goodness of God.
"The Law confronted humanity with both the seriousness of sin and the depth of God's grace."~~~
"The purpose of God's discipline was not to pay him (Jonah) back but to bring him back. In this way, the discipline of God was simply an unexpected extension of His grace. Even if it didn't feel like it at the time."
These three alone could have me challenged and thinking for quite some time.
Your thoughts? Which of these three most stood out to you? Which one do you find most thought provoking and challenging?

So hard to pick just one! I think the conversation about Jonah really made me think. God's discipline as an extension of His grace - wow! Now there is something to tell my kids! But also, that Jonah responded, received God's grace but could not give it to others - that really convicted me!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry your kids are sick! We are all passing around a nasty virus cough cold thing. I'm ready for it to be gone! Praying for health and rest for you!
Thanks for sharing this book with me! I love your perspective!