

This word brings relief today. It is a sweet sounding word. A word I have longed for. A word that I value. I do not recall the last time I have felt such freedom when uttering this word.

I have been repeating it in my mind as though it must be a dream. It feels so far from being reality. It seems almost too good to be true. This word has seemed to elude me lately.

I'm sure this is a small part of what has led to my feelings of exhaustion. I'm convinced not having this word in my vocabulary lately has contributed to my sense of being overwhelmed.

There is plenty to be done. I am so far behind on so many things and in so many areas.

However, other than getting my son to and from school, this one word is what my schedule demands of me today. This word is what is on my mandatory "to do" list for today. This word defines the deadlines I must meet today. This word engulfs what I am required to face today.


If I am so inclined- if my body, mind, soul and spirit demand it- if I can't bring myself to do even one more thing or go one more place today... I am not required to.


Today I get to live it. Today I am allowed to embrace it. Today I will encounter it head on. Today I am permitted to bask in the fullness of it's meaning.

Today this word is perhaps one of the most powerful, beautiful and relief bringing words I have heard in quite some time.


What's on your schedule today?


  1. Wonderful day! I have a couple more weeks before I will be living that word:) I am sooo looking forward to some lazy summer days... of course nothing is relative right? For me nothing will be working out in the garden and not having to leave our property for the whole day! Bliss

    What a beautiful treasure you have in your family Bible; a true blessing to hold in your hands:) Thanks for sharing about that.

  2. You know, I've heard that word somewhere before. I just don't remember what it means. It has a nice ring to it, "nothing."

    : ) Enjoy your nothing!

  3. Nothing has not visited me for a long time. But I think I might just have tea with it today. :v)


Thank you for taking a moment to stop and chat. I enjoy the presence of you!