- Some schedule related.
- Some "navigating through what's all even in my heart and head" related.
- Some increasing pressures I was putting on myself regarding content, frequency, expectations, etc. related.
I have recently been doing some reading, listening, pondering, and considering. In doing so, I believe that some of those pressures are lifting, freeing up a sense of the potential of my words being able to flow again.
And so,
* Since it has been awhile...
* In an effort to catch you up on what's been happening with me...
* To get my fingers typing and my words flowing again...
I decided to share a little bit about the:
On My Bookshelf:
Recently finished reading:
* If: By Mark Batterson
* Audacious: By Beth Moore
Am currently reading:
* Prayer: By Timothy Keller
* The Best Yes: By Lysa Terkeurst
Books of the Bible:
I have been spending the last few months primarily in the Psalms. I read through in the Message translation one month, the New Living Translation the next month, and this month in the New International Version.
I've also spent some recent time in Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. I tried to be more intentional to read through them as a letter that had been sent since that is how they were originally written. They did read somewhat differently to me in that frame of mind.
Devotionals I'm Using:
* Streams in the Desert: by Jim Reimann and Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
* Jesus Calling: by Sarah Young
Music I'm listening to: (Current Fav's)
* It is Well: Bethel Music
* Breathe: Jonny Diaz
* Trust in You: Lauren Daigle
Items of note:
* I'm hoping to have more time to spend here again.
* School curriculum is starting to arrive. This week will be spent getting that all figured out for another year ahead of us.
* Our oldest heads back to college this week to begin his Jr. Year. (Can you even believe it?!)
* We introduced our little guy to "Amelia Bedelia" this week. Oh the laughter...
What I’m looking forward to:
* Fall. I've been seeing online and elsewhere some push back from saying goodbye to summer. But for me, there's just something about the crisp mornings, warm throws, bonfires, and crisp leaves that are so appealing to me.
* Writing again without the self imposed pressures I was putting on myself in the doing so!
Now it's your turn! I would love to hear...
What's Been Happening With YOU?

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