
Resting = Survival

Rest, peace, solitude, quiet... Survive.

Have you found what I have? Life is full of uncertainties. Unknown jobs, unknown housing, unknown budget, unknown diagnosis, unknown response, unknown, unknown, unknown...

It seems all I know for certain is that there are a lot of unknown's.

It can be tiring. I often need a break. I often need rest.

One would think it so simple, to find time to rest. To nestle in and embrace quiet. Personally, I think it is one of the hardest things to do.

Physical rest eventually demands it. Lack of mental rest will lead to insanity. Emotional rest comes easier after a major breakdown. Spiritual rest?... a bit harder to come by.

I am wondering if maybe there is a lesson to be learned in the unknowns? Perhaps the lesson is learning to pray, to sit, and to wait on God.

To take one breath at a time.  To take one day at a time.  To take one decision at a time.

In the unknown and busyness to find time for that so important place... that place of rest, peace, and solitude.

Lord, continue to teach me how to rest in You, regardless of the change, the risk and the cost that is presented... the unknowns. When I see sacrifices needing to be made on my part to do what you are asking... give me the grace to accept it, the strength to face it, the joy to endure it, and the rest to survive it.

Mark 6:31: And Jesus said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while."

Teach me to find my deserted place with You and be willing to stay and rest there a while.

What about you?  Are you stealing away by yourself to a quiet place and resting... with/in Him?

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