
A Full Day

I am so glad you stopped by today. I am in need of a chat with a friend over a cup of coffee before this day gets started.


Once I get the children dropped off, my day will be starting with an opportunity that has me both excited and nervous all at the same time.

Some time ago I wrote this article published on Crosswalk.com. I was recently contacted by a Christian radio station half way across the country that requested to do an interview with me. Oh My! I have never done anything like this before.

The recording of that interview is scheduled for this morning. I have no idea what to expect! If you think of it I would welcome your prayers!

UPDATED TO ADD: I was notified at the last minute that the interview needed to be rescheduled. Thanks for all the well wishes, kind comments and prayers. I'll keep you posted...


My daughter and I will then attend the symphony this afternoon. This performance is specifically designed for students. In the past it has been very well done. I expect no less from this years performance.


Some of the ladies from my church are finishing Beth Moore's study "Stepping Up: a journey through the Psalms of Ascent". Tonight is our final night. We will meet for a meal together and then each one will share what we have learned from the study.

Your Day...

Today is turning out to be quite a full day for me. What's on your calendar for today?


  1. Donetta, sounds like you have the most fabulous day ahead of you!! I shall not bore you with the humdrum homeschooling day we have planned, playing catch up from yesterday since my husband came home early and threw our schedule off! lol

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Perhaps you are finished with the interview as I type this (I'm home sick today). But I hope things went well. I popped over to read your excellent article and it's printing now. Thank you.

  3. You have probably already done your interview by now.....I know you did great! You do have a busy day!

  4. I'm sorry I didn't get to this before your interview, but I am absolutely sure you did a great job. I am so proud of you!!
    Sounds like a day filled with really good things.


Thank you for taking a moment to stop and chat. I enjoy the presence of you!